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Welcome to ROONTECH's Website, creative design is our passion, we love to come up with new ideas and if feasible develop those ideas further, sometimes a quick render is the end result and sometimes a Prototype complete with documentation.


The website was developed because we wanted to keep all our work in one place, it helps us enhance our learning whilst showing potential clients ROONTECH's creativity.


A variety of designs has been developed using both Electrical and Mechanical disciplines with plenty of maths and R&D thrown into the mixture. These taught disciplines combined with creativity have enabled ROONTECH to produce some exciting Innovative Concepts whilst other designs exist because we have expressed an interest within those specific Industries.

Founder Christopher John Rooney stumbled across Product Design during his Mechanical Engineering HND (2017), he found he had a had a natural ability for problem solving, and doing so sustainably with one project from his HND actually Prototyped. That Prototype is the 001 Mag Charge pictured above which is also available to view on this website. After his HND he then went on and completed a BSc in the same subject, it was after this that he really wanted to explore how deep the Rabbit Hole goes so he started developing Concept after Concept. Using everything he had been taught throughout his life to his advantage, a personal exploration which was aided by the fact that he could work a day job as an Electrician, then in the evenings and weekends work on his own Projects.

Take a look at the Sustainable Conceptual Designs and the interesting viewpoints including R&D. Documentation is either derived from HND/BSc/MSc studied Modules, Presentations, Funding, Grants and Investment opportunities, ROONTECH's own creative initiatives, and one or two PhD applications. 

Tap the hyperlinks and opening pictures for the hidden details.

Mag Charge

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