The Laser Line Guidance Template is designed to aid Electricians marking out dryline switches and socket pattresses with speed and accuracy. Designed to be used with a Laser Level but also can be used for independent marking out requirements due to the inclusion of a spirit level bubble.
The template has been critically crafted, taking into account tooling tolerances such as thick marker pen, Pad Saw and oscillating blades. It is able to mark out for a 50mm spacing factor which is a minimum requirement between banks of switches and sockets, also it includes a 60mm spacing factor for switches and sockets that have bigger than standard face plates.
This robust tool has been developed by an Electrician, it is understood that this tool will be kept with other hard wearing tools and longevity is a factor. Competitors fall short here with poor fragile designs that are imported from China, this is a British manufactured product with a very competitive price tag.
It may look like a simple product, and on the surface it is, however, this was a challenge as the Laser Line Template was not an out-sourced manufactured product. This great product was developed from scratch on a £3000 budget. This included the design of a 3D printed prototype given to electricians for feedback, which was great in hearing how useful it was. The moulds were created using a Desktop CNC machine and a bespoke Injection Moulding Machine was designed, built and implemented to produce this Laser Line Guidance Template.
Video and Newsletter advertisement shows the Laser Line Guidance Template using a different visual style aimed to capture the audiences attention.